38 Albertlaan
Vorst, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, 1190

CranioSacral Therapy Brussels

somato-emotional counseling

Thérapie CranioSacrée Bruxelles

accompagnement somato-émotionnel

CranioSacraal Therapie Brussel

somato-emotionele begeleiding

about the practice

CST - CranioSacral Therapy

Therapeutic method of relaxation of the craniosacral  and the connective system, through the relationship between structure-function-movement, and considering the body-mind as unity.

By harmonizing the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and all fluids in the body, the craniosacral therapy practitioner sustains the patient towards her/his self-healing.

When the body retains physical and / or emotional shocks, the manual and verbal techniques of craniosacral therapy help eliminate these engrams.


ENERGETIC PSYCHOTHERAPY - Psychotherapy based on mirror neurons and empathy,

Liberation of the Felt by the tonic-emotional dialogue (by Dr. J Lerminiaux)

The therapeutic work consists of, from the "way of being in the world" of the patient, to go back,  from deepening to deepening, to its fundamental feeling (felt). From this fundamental feeling, the patient can then modify his personal perception of the world or even reverse to his bodily roots .




Throughout our development, connections between the different parts must be established: it is thanks to the reflex movements of the body that the nerve fibers will be able to develop and form a network of communication between all the parts of its nervous system.

These reflex movements of the child will strengthen the necessary muscle tone for its motor development, and provide a postural and intellectual availability, and a state of internal security.

Children or adults with learning and / or relational difficulties present often weak or still active reflexes.

The point is therefore to develop or integrate the concerned reflexes thru the body.